Sample Farewell Letter

Klo yang ini, contoh ‘farewell letter’ isinya ga terlalu formal & yang penting tetep mengharapkan hubungan baik dengan rekan kerja alias tetep keep in touch..

1. Sample

Dear Friends,

After 8 years of service with [comp. name], today is my last day.
Since I made this decision, I have had some time to reflect on my time
spent here and what I came up with is pretty simple:
I enjoyed working here.  I’ve enjoyed adapting into many people throughout
the organization.
I’ve enjoyed tackling the different challenges presented to me.
But, most importantly, I’ve enjoyed developing both professional and
personal relationships with all of you.
You have all, in one way or another, helped mentor and guide me throughout
my career.  For all of this guidance, I will be forever thankful. I am grateful
for the friendships which, no doubt, will last a lifetime.

I hope our paths cross in the near future so we can reminisce about all the
good times we had. I also hope all of you have a continuing prosperous and
satisfying career at [comp. name].

Once again, my wife and my son join me in thanking you for everything.
You will always be remembered.

Best Regards,


2. Sample

Dear Bapak – Ibu and My Fellow Friends,

Today is my last day in [comp. name]. It was not easy for me to make this
decision, as I feel, and always feel, that i have lots and lots of true, great
friends & colleagues here who have been there for me during my time in
[comp. name]. Please accept my sincere apology for i have made mistakes
to you in the past. and from the bottom of my heart i want to say thank you
to all of you, for your helps and assistance. And kindly pass this email to
my friends who does not have email account address.

Please do not take this email as a ‘farewell email’, I hope we will still keep
in touch and give each other news . I wish i could personally pass my gratitude
to each of you.

With this email i would like to inform you that I am getting married on [date].
On behalf of my family, please take our deepest apology that there will be no
reception due to several unfortunate occasions with my family. One of it is that
I have just lost my Grandmother who passed away 3 weeks ago. We decided
that we will not celebrate it since it is not the right time. Nevertheless, it would
be an honor for me to get your bless and your pray for me and my family.

Again, the honor is with me… to have you all there for me…and in the future..
always… Please stay in touch…..

My very best regards,
3. Sample

Dear all,

I am very regretful to inform you that I would like to resign from [comp. name]. 
I have been through a very difficult time before taking this decision but still I
should pursue my other personal interest.

Finally, I want to express my respect and gratitude to you and other board of
directors and my colleagues who have supported me during my service year in …

3 Tanggapan

  1. makasih mba atas contoh surat farewell nya.
    sngat ringkat, tdk terlalu formal

    sangat berguna

    andi mappasiling

  2. Bisa tidak dalam bahasa indonesianya…???
    Aku sedang membutuhkannya

    • @sari, pada dasarny pd saat kita mengirim surat penunduran diri adalah memberi info nama jabatan, bsr lama krj atau dari divisi mana (jika persh. Nnya bsr) dan ungkapan trima ksh krn sdh diberi kesempatan utk bergabung di persh tsb.jd draft surat yg sdh ada, tinggal diterjemahkan di google trus dimodifikasi sdikit. -Smoga bermanfaat

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